About us

We understand that every horse is unique, and therefore requires a customised training program that addresses their individual strengths, weaknesses, and potential. Our team of experts work closely with each horse to ensure that their training program is tailored to meet their specific needs, which helps to optimize their performance and achieve their full potential.

A team committed to
care and performance

At Ecurie Gernay, we have a highly experienced team with a strong emphasis on horsemanship. Our trainers and handlers have a wealth of knowledge in the racing industry and are committed to providing excellent care and wellbeing to our horses. With a hands-on approach, we work closely with our horses to develop a deep understanding of their individual needs and behavior.

Our top priority is the happiness and success of our horses, and we take pride in building strong relationships with both horse and owner.

Unlocking Your Horse's Full Potential:
A holistic approach to race training.

To achieve the best possible results, both the mental and physical aspects cannot be neglected, and at Ecurie Gernay, we prioritize both. Our approach includes providing large, well-mulched boxes for our horses' well-being, and allowing them to get fresh air daily through walks, paddock time, pasture time, use of the walker, and slope training. Additionally, we provide top-of-the-range food, tailored to each horse's needs, as well as timely monitoring of their appetite and drinking ability, administration of appropriate vitamin and mineral complexes, and veterinary and osteopathic follow-up to ensure optimal physical condition.

Data driven performance management.

Arioneo technology allows us to analyze each horse's ideal race distance, helping us to optimize their performance. By collecting and analyzing data, we can understand how each horse performs in different conditions and make informed decisions about their training and race participation. Our experienced team utilizes this technology to develop personalized training programs that aim to maximize each horse's potential.

We regularly communicate the data and insights we gain from the Equimétre® with the owners, ensuring that everyone involved is up-to-date and informed. With Arioneo technology, we can better monitor our horses' health, track their progress, and provide the highest level of care and training possible.

Passion for racing, commitment to excellence.

Our passion and dedication lie in the world of horse racing, and we strive for excellence in all aspects of our work to produce successful racehorses and deliver top-notch service to our clients.

  • Gaëlle Gernay